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Siapa sebenarnya aku padamu?

Posted by Salihin Rahim On 3:58 PM 0 comments
Kenapa kita sering tidak dihargai?..Setelah sekian lama kita rasakan diri dipermain-mainkan.. Rasa diri seolah tiada nilai disisi seseorang.. Setelah sekian lama masa dan harta kita habiskan sampai suatu masa kita tiada lagi nilai disisinya.. Kita hanya sama sahaja dengan orang lain yang tiada istimewanya.. begitulah hidup kadang-kadang yang nampaknya kita seolah-olah bertepuk sebelah tangan.. Kenapa sukar sungguh untuk mendapatkan kepastian yang satu?..Kepastian yang mungkin kita bisa terima seadanya.
Kenapa harus masa itu rugi dengan suatu keseronokan dan kebahagiaan yang tidak pasti?..Dalam ketidakpastian itu kita sering mencuba dan terus mencuba untuk memenangi hatinya agar dia sedar akan keikhlasan dan kesungguhan yang kita ada.. Tetapi apa yang kita persembahkan dan jamukan tiada nilai langsung disisinya.. Haruskah kita masih menunggu dan terus menunggu untuk mendapatkan kepastian? Atau kita sahaja mengambil langkah untuk pergi dan mencari suatu yang pasti?.. Kita mungkin keliru kerana hati bukan boleh dipaksa dan keinginan kita tidak boleh ditepis.. Kerana bila keinginan yang kita rasa itu hanya pada yang kita rasa sahaja.. Mana mungkin akan berubah pada orang lain dalam masa yang singkat.. Mana mungkin..Kita akan selalu tertanya-tanya siapa sebenarnya kita padanya....

Cuba kau dengar
Cuba kau cuba
Diam bila ku cuba
Tuk berbicara dengan kamu

Pernahkah kau ada
Bila ku perlu
Tuk meluahkan rasa hati

Dan bila kau bersuara
Setia ku mendengar
Agar tenang kau merasa

Sebenarnya aku padamu
Mungkin sama dengan teman lain
Yang bisa kau buat begitu

Dan bila
Tiada lagi teman bermain
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
Itulah aku…

Cuba kau lihat
Cuba kau cuba
Renung ke mata aku
Bila ku kaku melihatmu

Pernahkah kau ada
Bila ku perlu
Tuk menyatakan rasa sakit
Dalam diri

Dan bila kau perlu
Setia ku menunggu
Agar senang kau merasa

Sebenarnya aku padamu
Mungkin sama dengan teman lain
Yang bisa kau buat begitu
Dan bila
Tiada lagi teman bermain
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
Itulah aku…

Maafkan kerana aku tak pernah
Terlintas tuk menulis pada mu
Salahkan ku
Tak mungkin lagi aku meminta
Untuk kau mendengar..
Untuk kau melihat ke mataku

Sebenarnya aku padamu
Mungkin sama dengan teman lain
Yang bisa kau buat begitu
Dan bila
Tiada lagi teman bermain
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
Itulah aku…

Yang bisa kau buat begitu
Dan bila
Tiada lagi teman bermain
Kau pulang mendapatkan aku
Itulah aku…padamu
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Honda Icon jimat dan seronok

Posted by Salihin Rahim On 5:07 PM 0 comments

Trend positif serta sambutan pengguna yangmenggalakan terhadap motosikal transmisi automatik (AT) menjadi petanda baik bagi Boon Stew Honda.
Matlamat Boon Slew Honda ialah untuk menerajui segmen AT yang sedang berkembang menerusi pengenalan Honda icon.
Sesi tunggang uji media Selasa 24 Mac lepas yang bermula di Pusat Keselamatan Tunggangan Honda di Seberang Perai, Pulau Pinang menuju ke Bandar Tasik Bukit Merah. Dalam perjalanan pergi balikyang melibatkan hampir dua jam, Icon menunjukkan kemampuan dan kredibilitinya sebagai sebuah medium pengangkutan yang mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri.
Enjin 108cc dengan transmisi V-matic automatik, skuter kecil ini mempunyai daya tahan yang tinggi untuk dikerahketahap maksimum sepanjang perjalanan.Tangki petrolnya juga kecil, hanya menampung 3.5 liter sahaja pada satu masa.
Jika ditunggang secara purata pada kelajuan maksimumnya iaitu pada bacaan meter sekitar 100kmj, satu tangki penuh mampu menghartungi lebihkurang 70km perjalanan.
Model mesra penunggang ini direka untuk mengembalikan semula keseronokan menunggang. Penunggang dijamin menikmati prestasi yang lebih lancar, kendalian mudah dengan penjimatan minyak terbukti sebanyak lapan peratus berbanding dengan model-model pesaingnya yang lain. Penjimatan dapat dicapai hasil teknologi moden enjin Honda yang bukan sahaja cekap, malah bertenaga.Transmisi auto V-Matic Hondayang maju memanfaatkan "drive- and driven-pulleys" dengan tali sawat V berprestasi tinggi. Transmisi kuasa yang lancar ini bukan sahaja memastikan prestasi terbaik pada setiap kelajuan enjin (rpm), rnalah ia turut mengurangkan bunyi enjin dan tahap pelepasan ekzos jauh di bawah Standard
Pelepasan Asap di Malaysia. Penunggang icon sudah pasti akan menghargai kerangka baru yang dipertingkatkan. Jarak gandar kini lebih pendek tetapi tempat letak kaki yang lebih luas sesuai dengan saiz fizikal penunggang. Untuk mencapai kestabilan secara keseluruhan, semua bahagian elektrikal diselaraskan ke bahagian tengah motosikal bagi memastikan imbangan berat yang lebih baik dan pusat graviti yang lebih rendah.
Demi mempertingkatkan tahap keselamatan, Honda icon baru ini dilengkapi SuisTongkat Kaki Sisi yang mematikan enjin secara automatik apabila tongkatnya diturunkan.
Brek "Parking" khas merupakan satu lagi inovasi
keselamatan Honda yang menghalang motosikal tersebut dari bergerak apabila enjinnya dihidupkan. Honda icon juga dilengkapi dengan Sistem Kunci Berpenutup Anti-Kecurian yang unik untuk keselamatan tambahan.
Honda Icon juga tidak ketinggalan dalam aspek gaya, malah ia pasti menarik perhatian ramai. Ciri-ciri hebatnya termasuk lampu depan kristal pelbagai pemantul yang amat terang, warna badan dua tona dan unsur grafik menarik, lampu belakang yang bergaya, paparan kelajuan yang mudah dibaca serta rim sport lima jejari.
Satu lagi ciri hebatnya ialah suspensi monoshock sisi yang tahan lasak dan memberi kendalian yang responsif berbanding dengan sistem suspensi dua |aras yang biasa.
Ciri-ciri lain meliputi peredam sporty, kebuk U-mini dengan penutup, konsol kebuk dalaman, cangkuk utiliti dan
brek cakera depan.
Honda icon boleh didapati dalam lima pilihan warna iaitu Merah Jambu Angelika, Merah Euforia, Biru Lincah Metalik, Hitam Mutiara Magelanikdan Putih Mutiara Gilap. Harga atas jalan yang disyorkan untuk Honda icon ialah RM4,688. Honda icon adalah model pertama di Malaysia yang memberi jaminan dua tahun atau 20,000km - bukti jaminan kualiti dan kebolehpercayaan yang unggul.
Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi Boon Slew Honda di talian 04-2613422.
Posted by Salihin Rahim On 9:23 AM 0 comments
India's old currency Notes
19 images Victoria Portrait Series The first set of British India notes were the 'Victoria Portrait' Series issued...
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Pelajar Iran terbak di dunia

Posted by Salihin Rahim On 9:30 PM 0 comments
The Star Students of the Islamic Republic
Forget Harvard -- One of the World's Best Undergraduate Colleges Is in Iran
By Afshin Molavi, New America Foundation
Newsweek | August 18-25, 2008

In 2003, administrators at Stanford University's Electrical Engineering Department were startled when a group of foreign students aced the notoriously difficult Ph.D. entrance exam, getting some of the highest scores ever. That the whiz kids weren't American wasn't odd; students from Asia and elsewhere excel in U.S. programs. The surprising thing, say Stanford administrators, is that the majority came from one country and one school: Sharif University of Science and Technology in Iran.
Stanford has become a favorite destination of Sharif grads. Bruce A. Wooley, a former chair of the Electrical Engineering Department, has said that's because Sharif now has one of the best undergraduate electrical-engineering programs in the world. That's no small praise given its competition: MIT, Caltech and Stanford in the United States, Tsinghua in China and Cambridge in Britain.
Sharif's reputation highlights how while Iran makes headlines for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's incendiary remarks and its nuclear showdown with the United States, Iranian students are developing an international reputation as science superstars. Stanford's administrators aren't the only ones to notice. Universities across Canada and Australia, where visa restrictions are lower, report a big boom in the Iranian recruits; Canada has seen its total number of Iranian students grow 240 percent since 1985, while Australian press reports point to a fivefold increase over the past five years, to nearly 1,500.
Iranian students from Sharif and other top schools, such as the University of Tehran and the Isfahan University of Technology, have also become major players in the international Science Olympics, taking home trophies in physics, mathematics, chemistry and robotics. As a testament to this newfound success, the Iranian city of Isfahan recently hosted the International Physics Olympiad--an honor no other Middle Eastern country has enjoyed. That's because none of Iran's neighbors can match the quality of its scholars.
Never far behind, Western tech companies have also started snatching them up. Silicon Valley companies from Google to Yahoo now employ hundreds of Iranian grads, as do research institutes throughout the West. Olympiad winners are especially attractive; according to the Iranian press, up to 90 percent of them now leave the country for graduate school or work abroad.
So what explains Iran's record, and that of Sharif in particular? The country suffers from many serious ills, such as chronic inflation, stagnant wages and an anemic private sector, thanks to poor economic management and a weak regulatory environment. University professors barely make ends meet--the pay is so bad some must even take second jobs as taxi drivers or petty traders. International sanctions also make life difficult, delaying the importation of scientific equipment, for example, and increasing isolation. Until recently, Iranians were banned from publishing in the journals of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the industry's key international professional association. They also face the indignity of often having their visa applications refused when they try to attend conferences in the West.
Yet Sharif and its ilk continue to thrive. Part of the explanation, says Mohammad Mansouri, a Sharif grad ('97) who's now a professor in New York, lies in the tendency of Iranian parents to push their kids into medicine or engineering as opposed to other fields, like law. Sharif also has an extremely rigorous selection process. Every year some 1.5 million Iranian high-school students take college-entrance exams. Of those, only about 10 percent make it to the prestigious state schools, with the top 1 percent generally choosing science and finding their way to top spots such as Sharif. "The selection process [gives] universities like Sharif the smartest, most motivated and hardworking students" in the country, Mansouri says.
Sharif also boasts an excellent faculty. The university was founded in 1965 by the shah, who wanted to build a topnotch science and technology institute. The school was set up under the guidance of MIT advisers, and many of the current faculty studied in the United States (during the shah's era, Iranians made up the largest group of foreign students at U.S. schools, according to the Institute of International Education). Another secret of Sharif's success is Iran's high-school system, which places a premium on science and exposes students to subjects Americans don't encounter until college. This tradition of advanced studies extends into undergraduate programs, with Mansouri and others saying they were taught subjects in college that U.S. schools provide only to grad students.
Several Sharif alumni point to one other powerful motivator. "When you live in Iran and you see all the frustrations of daily life, you dream of leaving the country, and your books and studies become a ticket to a better life," says one who asked not to be identified. "It becomes more than just studying," he says. "It becomes an obsession, where you wake up at 4 a.m. just to get in a few more hours before class."
Iran's success, in other words, is also the country's tragedy: students want nothing more than to get away the moment they graduate. That's a boon for foreign universities and tech firms but a serious source of brain drain for the Islamic republic. There simply are not enough quality jobs for graduates in Iran, says Ramin Farjad Rad, another Sharif grad ('97) who's now an executive at Aquantia in Silicon Valley. What's worse, star students who stay in Iran and try to launch businesses complain that predatory government officials demand a cut of their profits or impose unnecessary obstacles. Thus many Iranians who can't make it to the West head to Dubai instead. As one Sharif grad in the Persian Gulf port city puts it, "Here, our education is properly valued. We are given freedom to succeed. In Iran, we are blocked."
Such frustrations augur ill for Iran's future. True, it's produced a startling number of top students in recent years. And the country's history is rich with achievement, featuring Avicenna (also known as Ibn Sina), the medieval world's greatest scientist; Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, the ninth-century inventor of the mathematical algorithm (the basis of computer science), and Omar Khayyam, the famed mathematician and astronomer. That's a fine legacy. But unless the Islamic republic changes directions soon, all of that history and potential could be squandered.
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Sport Otak...

Posted by Salihin Rahim On 6:59 AM 0 comments
Biasanya Bang Ali habis menoreh pokok getahnya dalam masa 45 minit, tapi bila dia mengajak adiknya membantu, kerja penorehan selesai dalam masa 20 minit. Berdasarkan data ini sahaja, agaknya berapa lama masa diperlukan jika adiknya menoreh sendirian?

Also visit my motoring blog at

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Posted by Salihin Rahim On 4:53 PM 0 comments
visit my on motoring

Jangan tinggalkan orang yang Kita SAYANG untuk orang yang Kita suka,
Kerana orang yang Kita SUKA akan tinggalkan Kita untuk orang yang mereka sayang...
Jangan Cuba dapatkan apa yang Kita sayang tapi SAYANGILAH dengan apa yang Kita Ada ! !
Hidup tak perlu terlalu sempurna, tak perlu terlalu kaya, tak perlu terlalu terkenal, tetapi selagi masih Ada INSAN yang mengingati, IA sudah lebih dari mencukupi .
Persahabatan yang sejati akan membawa KERINDUAN yang abadi. Sesungguhnya persahabatan itu lebih unggul dari percintaan, tanpa persahabatan PERCINTAAN akan berakhir tetapi tanpa percintaan PERSAHABATAN boleh kekal.
Oleh itu hargailah persahabatan yang terjalin..SELALUNYA Kita tdk menyedari bahawa Ada insan yg lebih MENCINTAI diri Kita..
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Posted by Salihin Rahim On 10:16 PM 1 comments
Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a housedress, lawn mower in one hand, and dish-towel in the other. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.
It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more.
But then my mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more.
Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return. So... While we have it... it's best we love it... And care for it.... And fix it when it's broken..... And heal it when it's sick.
This is true... For marriage.... And old cars.... And children with bad report cards..... Dogs and cats with bad hips.... And aging parents.... And grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.
There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special.... And so, we keep them close!
There was once this guy who is very much in love with his girl. This romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small fry in his company, his future didn't seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the both of them, so they went their own ways there and then... Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he regained his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of himself.
Finally with all the hard work and the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company. You never fail until you stop trying. One rainy day, while this guywas driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn't take him long to realize they were his girl's parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same any more; he had his own company, car, condo, etc. He made it! What he saw next confused him, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and so he got out of his car and followed...and he saw his girl, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right beside her... Her parents saw him. He asked them why this had happened. They explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was ill with cancer. She had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want to be his obstacle... therefore she had chosen to leave him. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. She had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again...he can take some of those back with him...
Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may escape but what's in your heart will remain forever. The guy just wept...The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside her knowing you can't have her, see her or be with her ever again.........hope you understand. Find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to you, for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you thought meant nothing to you.
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